OT Plug Telegram. If you have been looking for OT Plug telegram then you are just one click away. it has really been a though time for us communicating with our clients on telegram due to the massive scam account on telegram and we are making everything possible to keep every client safe from it. How ever, if you are reading this post that means you most have heard about us from a friend family member or just on the web.
NOTE, We no longer sell on telegram due to the massive telegram account confusing our customers, Feel free to order from our website otplug.com for your safety
Here at OT Plug we supply cannabis, ranging from mass distributors to trusted local dealers.
Shipping and refund policy at OT Plug
OT PLUG ship our products in nearly all countries That is; Europe USA, Australia United Kingdome etc. We process all of the orders in 48 hours since the order was placed.
We accepts returns on all the products if they by some chance don’t satisfy your needs, but you need to make the request for return up to 30 days after the delivery. They also have a 30-day money-back guarantee, which means that we’ll give you back your money if a problem occurs or resend the package if and only if you want us to.
OT Plug Customer support
We have highly educated customer support that’ll gladly come to your rescue no matter what problem with the product you’re facing. You can easily contact us through our online contact form or by emailing us . You’ll get your answers pretty quickly.